Discover the NEW

When we created our online Larimar store The Larimar Shop a few years ago, we were very excited, full of expectations, ready to fight the good battle to conquer customers from all over the world, with top quality Larimar stone and excellent Dominican craftsmanship, good service loaded with tropical enthusiasm, efficient delivery time and more!!!

Buy Larimar Jewelry online From time to time we encountered some difficulty with our website, notwithstanding we did a lot of constant internet research to learn more about optimizing The Larimar Shop’s website to make it an ideal place for every customer interested in our marvelous Larimar stone! Through all our efforts during these few years we understood that it was definitely necessary to make a new site contemplating all the desires of modern, active, updated customers!!

Our hard and dedicated work has given birth to a radiant NEW, which makes it easy and interesting for customers all over the world to find, select, buy that special Larimar jewel they are looking for or just have fall in love with!

Here’re some highlighted new features:

  • Shop Dominican Larimar Friendlier webpage, where you’ll have a better view of unique handcrafted Larimar pieces.
  • Now you can shop either from your Desktop or your Mobile device as our new website has been made mobile friendly for you to have the greatest experience when shopping with us.
  • Now you can share all the items you love on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google + and much more, just choose!
  • New options for creating your Whislist and give a hint to whomever you like!
  • A new filter that allows you to surf through all Larimar rings by sizes, now you can!
  • Compare one item from another and select your best option!
  • Want to see what’s on trend check out our Tag Tool and find out what’s everybody craving for.

Subscribe to our Newsletter and don’t miss the fun! We are now introducing our Weekly newsletter keeping all Larimar lovers updated with the latest arrivals, special offers, promotions and more!

Our main goal is to capture all those Larimar customers who are looking for genuine Larimar stone jewelry, with good craftsmanship, variety of designs, sizes, prices, traded by honest, transparent vendors, guaranteeing their purchase!

We invite you to share with us the experience of our new The Larimar Shop, a true Dominican shop with genuine Larimar stone in all its variety of blue and blue green shade, designed and handmade by local young artisans!


3 thoughts on “Discover the NEW

    • Hi Frank, thank you for contacting us with your request for Larimar gold happy hour rings.

      We regret to inform you we are not producing gold Larimar jewelry, we are only working with 925 silver. We hop to have the opportunty to serve you in another occasion.


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